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Yoga Connections, LLC is your link to begin learning a safe and enduring yoga practice that will increase flexibility, strength, and clarity of mind. Whether you're looking for a private lesson, group event, or a corporate wellness program, you've come to the right place. We specialize in introducing students to an alignment-based yoga practice and connecting people to an Iyengar Yoga Studio to further their personal practice. 


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Introducing Yoga Students to the Profundity of Prashant Iyengar

Yoga Connections

Any attempt to express the enumerable gifts Prashant Iyengar's instruction can offer students seems futile. Still, it is one I will venture to begin because his teachings speak to the depths of my being, even if my mind and body feel far behind. His instruction works on a plane of existence that most people don't feel they have access to in the mundane sense. Those more grounded in his teaching are encouraged to add or correct information in the comments to bring more clarity. Any expression of perceived knowledge here comes from where I am in my practice and classes with Prashant. My only hope is that my simple attempts to introduce his work can touch those who are in a place to receive it and want to learn more about it.

"Everything that lives is in flux. Everything that lives emits sound. But we only perceive a part of it. We do not hear the circulation of the blood, the growth and decay of our bodily tissue, the sound of our chemical processes. But our delicate organic cells, the fibres of brain and nerves and skin are impregnated with these inaudible sounds. They vibrate in response to their environment. This is the foundation of the power of music.” ~Franz Kafka

From Gustav Janouch, “The Music in Silence”)

We could say that Prashant Iyengar began his yoga career as a violinist. If we consider every activity in life as a yoga posture, he might say having his arms draped around a violin is as much a posture as you standing to brush your teeth. We can't get away from postures. The son of the world-renowned yoga instructor, BKS Iyengar, Prashant’s experience with yoga is so vast and coupled with his attunement to music enables profound insights that the nascent observer might resist. Still, I encourage you to try to open to them and explore his online instructions (7, 8…) and books.  (3,4,5,6…).

 His father, BKS Iyengar discovered from his robust and tenacious practice that to move from the mundane of a posture requires a systematic approach. He developed a global curriculum and a rigorous teacher training. He provided the world with a method of teaching yoga in a sequence of asana that could begin to bring awareness to what Prashant might express as the will of the mind, body, and breath. In the early stages of yoga education with a Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor (CIYI), students cultivate and connect the mind, body, and sense organs (e.g., ears and eyes) through mirroring, correction, reflection, repetition, and further instruction on a progressive sequence of asana. 

 The assumption is that yoga mastery requires will, power, and strength. While the three must be present, there are later stages of yoga, which Prashant instructs, the foundations for yog or yogasana. I will attempt to loosely defined it as a practice involving an evolutionary stage of the mind, body, and senses through profound awareness of the breath system's ability to integrate with the other systems and create a "collective will.”

One of my favorite sayings (if recollection serves) that BKS Iyengar quotes in his book, Tree of Life, says something like, "Let the yoga do the yoga." As I continue my journey, my understanding of this saying deepens as the schema of tapas (disciplined practice), svadhyaya (self-study), Isvara pranidhana (unyielding faith) begins to naturally foster Yog.

The flesh is the surface of the unknown. ~ Victor Hugo

 Prashant highlights how Yog (a divine union or collective will) organically or naturally, emerges within and without us. However, our "personal gravities" tend to block this from happening. Gravities include things like our human biological tendencies (procure/consume food, sleep, sex, fear), and our ego, and "cultural strata" such as tamasic (heavy, slow) or rajasic (fiery, fast), to name a few (8). Prashant helps us tap into our "[…]100 trillion cells of 100 trillion different types”. (1). He brings awareness to their participation as a "collective" in yogasana using interdependent kriyas or actions (chakra kriya, prana kriya, etc.). 

He uses the imagery of "confinements" such as the brain, chest, and pelvis; along with geometric shapes to encourage cyclic, rotary, and triangulated use of the breath. He also invokes a series of silent vocalizations that offer different vibratory sensations. The most widely known example is “Om.” Together, his instruction can turn the standing posture tadasana, or mountain pose, into a profoundly different evolutionary experience with every change of confinement, shape, or sound. Aligning and attuning our body, mind, and breath to the infinite wisdom within us.

 Years of preparation are required. Studying with an Iyengar yoga instructor is synchronized to wake the body, mind, and spirit from the gravities of its tendencies. With consistent Iyengar yoga practice we begin to develop regulation naturally: such as Ahimsa (non-violence to the self and others), Satya (truthfulness), Asteya (non-stealing/covetousness), Bramhacharya (control over sex drive), Aparigraha (non-hoarding, non-coveting). Patience increases. The breath becomes more regulated. Cultivation is a word often used by Prashant to express the readiness to begin to explore the deeper levels of yogasana that can be experienced. 

Yogasana creates an internal awakening to the unexplored and unknown whelms inside us and its interconnectedness to the external. So as above so, below is a quote credited to the ancient Hermetics which describes this connection. In an interview with Lee Sverkerson and Kristin Chirhart, Prashant talked about how the planet Jupiter may have prevented the comet Schumacher from crashing into Earth in the 90s (5).

 The discussion seemed to emphasize our interdependence and interconnectedness to the solar system. He expressed how much we may assume and yet how little we know —about any "other’s" purpose. It brings to mind how quick we are to assume people are good or bad, how we dismiss things we don't understand (planets over 400 million miles away can’t possibly impact us at all) or cut them out altogether (who needs a gallbladder?). 

However, yogasana brings an innate understanding of the need for egoic regulation and patience in assessing purpose, internally and externally. Prashant’s students learn to stay in an asana and wait for the nature of things to reveal itself to us without our ego’s constant need to judge, act, and control situations that block the reception process.

 Listening to Prashant's instruction and practicing his techniques has increased my awareness of the intelligence of my cells and the endless depths available to explore within myself. He has shown me a heart-centered path to wake to a wonderland of experiences inside and outside the vessel of the body. It’s brought about a sense of honor and trust in our interconnectedness and the ability to wait for nature to reveal its purpose internally and externally with more grace and gratitude.

 Thank you, Prashant.




1Iyengar, B. K. S., & Iyengar, G. S. (2003). Basic Guidelines for Teacher of Yoga (2nd ed.). Yog.

2Iyengar, B. K. S. (2002). The Tree of Life (1st ed.). Shambala Classics.

3 Iyengar, P. S. (2011). Chittavijnana of Yogasanas (Second). Yog & Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute

4 Iyengar, P. S. (2011). Discourses on Yog. Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute.

5 Iyengar, P.S. (n.d.) Parampara, The Importance of Family and Tradition to a Yoga Practitioner, and Why the Lyricised Sutras from an interview by Lee Sverkerson and Kristin Chirhart

6 Iyengar, P. S. (2012). Yogasana - The 18 Maha Kriyas. Yog.

7 Sri Prashant Iyengar, Lesson 1: Online Education in yoga

8 Sri Prashant Iyengar, Lesson 26: Online Education in yoga (09:17-Tendencies)

Journeys in Space: Branson, Bezos, and Musk - Revolutionaries or Blind Mice?

Yoga Connections

It's the question on my lips when I watch Branson, Bezos, and Musk compete for Space Tourism or the Amusement Park for the 1%. Branson's tickets go for over $250,000, and so far has collected over $80 million.

I can't help but imagine what that money could do towards positive social change, but that's my trip. Bezos and Musk made major public contributions in 2020 and 2021 to climate change, feeding the hungry, and education. With the proper media support, they became renowned philanthropists almost overnight. Post-launch, Bezos made public his next philanthropic donation with more media support. It came off as an intentional strategy and tactic to placate the public. At least he's conscious of who feeds his coffers and how quickly those people could pull their spending and ground his dreams.

My American Dream tape got disrupted with the study and practice of Iyengar Yoga, and now I’m trying to rewrite it in profound places. In a recent article in The Week, author Damon Linker wrote:

One way to understand the growing popularity of Yoga and other Eastern forms of spirituality in our time is as a reaction to the unhappiness of living in a constant state of agitation, always moving forward, seeking a state of solace or sense of accomplishment that never seems to arrive. Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk reach for the stars for that reason as much as any other.

Damon brings up the idea of Bezos and Musk's "Promethean impulse" as well as our own. He begs the question, should we keep striving farther outward or move inward? Iyengar Yoga teaches from the periphery to the core and vice versa.   I've seen enough science videos to know the awe of outer space or inner space is not that different. The Hermetics seem to agree. Revolutionary events can happen either way. The difference is that a personal inward journey doesn't make the papers. No one knows you are doing it. The good thing is going inward, you don't care who knows, and you can experience a lot more peace.

The Promethean strivers can never rest. They have to keep striving towards the stars to avoid the Existential void and make themselves feel something. The inward movers learn they don't need to go for sensation, so emptiness becomes welcomed. It creates room to be filled with grace and gratitude, which brings light on the simple things: nature, humanity, the breath, and the trillions of cells working diligently to create the body's well-being.

Inward movers awaken parts of themselves and help others see through the illusions that keep Promethean strivers like Branson, Bezos, and Musk tethered to the wheel and blind to what's below, beside, or within them. What they seek is fulfillment through desires beyond them, which by definition will, time and time again, remain just out of reach.

Patricia Walden's Asana for Upliftment: Aging & Backbends

Yoga Connections

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Patricia’s iconic backbends

As the only North American with a Senior Advanced certification in the Iyengar Method, Patricia Walden shares her years of experience learning and studying with BKS Iyengar and the Iyengar Family through her classes, workshops, books and instructional videos. Many yoga students know her voice from the Audible version of BKS Iyengar’s Light on Life. I listen to it often, picking up new jewels as I am better able to merge my intelligence with its message. It is this ability that Iyengar Yoga seeks to cultivate and it set the foundation for Patricia’s December backbending workshop hosted by Marla Apt, and Iyengar Therapeutics

Patricia refers to Mr. Iyengar, as Guruji (from the root Guru or bringer of light). Anyone touched by Iyengar Yoga has experienced some of that light. It is a result of the refined instruction BKS Iyengar’s phenomenal life’s work has given certified instructors of the Iyengar Method of teaching the 8-limbed path or Astanga Yoga.

Patricia explained that one of the definitions Guruji gives for yoga is “When the intelligence of the brain merges with spiritual heart.” She recalled that his daughter, Dr. Geeta Iyengar often referenced the Sutra III:35 of Sage Patañjali:

hrdaye cittasamvit

Guruji transcribed this in his book Light On The Sutras of Patañjali  as "By samyama on the region of the heart, the yogi acquires a thorough knowledge of the contents and tendencies of consciousness." Samyama is the intergration of Dhāraṇā (concentration), Dhyāna (meditation) and Samādhi (union).

Patricia began the workshop by bringing our focus onto the sternum, a physical place that serves as the doorway to the spiritual heart, a vast space. Coaching us inward with reverence for the Sage Patañjali and BKS Iyengar, we honored them with an invocation. The deep gratitude and reverence, humbles us to receive the boundless lessons of Iyengar Yoga.

Wisdom is a positive consequence of age, Patricia explained. While we may have challenges with different parts of our body, we have gained wisdom, which is more critical than the backbends. "As our bodies change, our mind changes too; wisdom comes," she continued. She proceeded to take us through a series of standing, seated, and forward bend poses followed by prone backbends concentrating on the areas that get dull as we age while still focusing on the sternum and spiritual heart. Guruji distinguished horizontal actions from vertical actions. The extension vertically is from the intelligence or mind, and the extension horizontally is from the spiritual heart, where wisdom comes.

Patricia began going to Pune, India to attend the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute, RIMYI, in 1976. For many years, she had the good fortune to watch wisdom at work, witnessing BKS Iyengar evolve his back bending practice as he aged. She recalled him saying about his asana practice, “I used to play, but now I stay.” She noticed how he used more prop support to stay longer in asana like Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana, two-legged inverted bow, Urdhva Dhanurasana, upward bow, and Natarajasana, an asana named after Siva, Lord of the Dance. Patricia reminisced about practicing with Guruji. She recalled how if she started to practice beside him, she had to commit to stay, she couldn’t stop. She giggled explaining that while he appeared to be still in whatever pose he was in, it was extremely rigorous and challenging.

During the workshop, Patricia took us through a Krama or ordered sequence. She distinguished each sequence as "family of poses" that prepare our bodies and minds for backbends. Now in her 70s, Patricia continues her backbending practice, but prepares her body more than she used to. She addressed the fact that as we age the light we worked so hard to bring into places like the roots of the thighs and groins, our armpits, thoracic spine, and knees dull with age. It doesn't mean it goes out - it means we have to spend a little more time to shift the dimness to make it brighter and sharper. In this way, we assure a safe and healing backbend practice as we age.

As an example with Adho Mukha Svanasana, or downward dog, she gave several detailed instructions such as spreading the skin of the palms and backs of our knees, rotating the triceps inward (alerting the armpits), pressing the roots of the thighs, and tops our knees back while extending our heels down by lifting the lower shin up and back. She brought our attention to all the parts of the spine, the thoracic spine, the lumbar spine, and the lower spine —asking us to lengthen and "intelligize" the entire spine, and proceeded with more detailed instruction.

These instructions are just a taste of what a Senior Advanced Certified Iyengar instructor brings to students. From standing, kneeling, seated, and prone asana, Patricia’s instruction sometimes adds elemental cues like earth, water, fire, and ether. It goes deeper and deeper into back bending actions through every koshas or sheath of the body. Students who have cultivated their ability to hear and follow without resistance are taken to a place that alters their perspective of what they are capable of.

It is but a millisecond glimpse into the probable 31,557,60 seconds BKS Iyengar explored his own body and those of his students every year for seven decades. Through his expedition, he developed the precise words to instruct from gross to subtle actions that enable transformation in mental, physical, and emotional mobility and freedom.

The instruction Patricia provided early in the workshop applied to the asana that followed. She sequentially and systematically woke our spine, and the spots that dull with age. She increased our ability to extend vertically and horizontally from the outer skin to the inner body. All of which created the space we needed to come into a full back bend from the floor: Urdhva Dhanurasana, upward bow. Whether with various setups of prop support or flat from the floor, her entire class enable us to experience the back bend with more receptivity, space, and freedom. With all of the necessary actions of the body intelligized, our mind could merge completely with the heart. We could experience the true upliftment an Iyengar Yoga back bend provides regardless of age.

Thank you, Patricia; what an excellent way to end a very challenging year!


The Belle of Bellur: Four Days of Gratitude with Abhijata Iyengar - Day 4

Yoga Connections


Celebrating BKS Iyengar’s birthday From the soil of his birth and in Bellur, India, and supporting his dream through the Bellur Trust  is a gesture. His granddaughter, Abhijata Sridha Iyengar expressed the emotions of love, respect, and reverence, all of those who have been touched by his work felt. We wanted to honor his birthday whether we ever got a chance to meet him in person or not. His energy is still very present. His life’s work continues to make it possible for people from all walks of life to experience the transformation of yoga.

Many refer to him as Guruji. It is from the word guru or bringer of light. It is very fitting for someone who put yoga into a language the modern world could understand —regardless of country, class, race, gender, age, or physical abilities or limitation. “Access” is a term we hear a lot relevant these days, and Guruji sought to find ways to offering any willing students access to the transformation of yoga.

Since its origins somewhere between the fifth and third centuries BCE, yoga has evolved and been packaged in innumerable ways. Diving into its depths is a daunting task, which is why BKS Iyengar’s work is such a gift. Anyone who has had the opportunity to observe or assist in the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI) therapy classes located in Pune, Maharashtra, has witnessed the healing powers of his work. It is why he has students from all over the globe. It’s not that he thought himself god-like as so many with his kind of influence tend to think of themselves. He worked, played, lived, and breathed yoga with the highest integrity any man can have. He gave us a learning method that aligns and connects us, mind, and body, because he knew once that happens, the yoga can do the yoga.

Tamas - inert, dull

Tamas - inert, dull

Rajas - fire, dynamic

Rajas - fire, dynamic

Sattvic - luminosity

Sattvic - luminosity

There are three qualities of nature or Gunas: Tamas, solidity, Rajas, dynamism, Sattva, luminosity. They are ever-present and changing throughout nature and life. Abhijata brought awareness of the Gunas and the transformative power of yoga in her final class. She began and ended with a Savasana or corpse pose. She pointed out the vast difference of experience between the two asana. For some of us, it was very early morning; for some, after lunch, others, it was evening. Time, place, weather, level of study all affect the experience. Abhijata highlighted the Sutra of Sage Patanjali, which BKS Iyengar transcribes as “Perfection in an asana is achieved when the effort to perform it becomes effortless and the infinite being within is reached.”

II.47 prayatna shaithilya ananta samapattibhyam

Beginners may experience a generalized dullness, which is why Iyengar Yoga emphasizes standing poses in early training. They wake up the body. In Utthita Hasta Padasana, extended hands and legs pose, Abhijata taught with instructions such as lift the kneecaps and thighs and extend the arms from the sternum: the right sternum out to the fingertips and left sternum to the fingertips. Clear actions required the body and mind to engage progressively from the outer skin inwards to our muscles, bones, and nerves. The tamasic dullness moved into a more rajasic active state. Asana in an Iyengar class require intense focus and effort. Repetition allows that focus and effort to evolve. When we can better align and connect the mind and body, we move into another stage, a more rhythmic flow of effort, and a less effortful luminous state. These qualities of dullness, activity, and luminosity cycle within and around us day-to-day, moment-by-moment, class to class, asana to asana. With continuous practice, we can mindfully utilize these qualities of nature. When we need rajas, we can call upon it. When we are angry or agitated and we need to pause, we can call upon tamas. The harmony or balance of the two is sattva, so it is the more luminous state. We can learn to calibrate ourselves to adjust to inward changes or help us deal with outward changes in our environment.

In class, Abhijata generated rajas after the first few asana. She paused less between the asana, the rigor and intensity forced focused effort and then we experienced asana from the beginning of class again, now the effort was less effortful, the rigor and repetition transformed the body and mind, so by the time we got to Savasana, corpse pose for the second time, we were now acutely present with our legs, feet, ankles, thighs, hips, abdomen, chest, arms, neck, head, ears, eyes, mouth, nose and breath. We could actively surrender to earth from which we came and with it perhaps more conscious gratitude towards the man who helped us get there.

Iyengar Yoga is an experience not to be missed.

Thank you, Abhijata, for your willingness, your time, effort, and insight; Kishore for all of your patience and support; all of the panelists for demonstrating the poses and the many prop alternatives in the Iyengar repertory to address specific issues. I am grateful to you all. None of this could be possible without the birth of BKS Iyengar. Our continued experience, learning, and sharing of Iyengar Yoga can give him many happy returns.


The Belle of Bellur: Four Days of Gratitude with Abhijata Iyengar - Day 3

Yoga Connections

“If the foundation is firm, the building can withstand calamities. The practice of Yoga is the foundation, so that the Self is not shaken under any circumstances.”~B.K.S. Iyengar

Yoga is a metaphor for life and living. BKS Iyengar made the study of asana his life and gave us a library of learning to light our path, along with his lineage after him who have brought their insights into his work, and many other devoted instructors. He took as many as 40 years, Abhijata explained, to find a single word to describe a particular instruction. Abhijata distinguished the difference between her grandfather’s yoga practice and a student of Iyengar Yoga. BKS Iyengar studied with a teacher for only a few years. He spent the rest of his time in self study embodying the Sutres of Sage Patañjali :

Sutre 1:14 - sah tu dirgha-kaala-nairantarya-satkaaraa-sevito dhruddha-bhoomi-ha

Guruji transcribed this Sutra in Light On the yoga Sutras of Pantanjali as “Long, uninterrupted, alert practice is the firm foundation for retraining the fluctuations.” We have no concept of the decades of uninterrupted, discipline and devotion. We are the lucky recipients of it. As we celebrate his 102nd birthday on December 14th hold on to that thought.

Guruji has been quoted often as saying, “The body is my Temple. Asana are my prayers.” Asana were his prayers, so much so, he developed a specific Krama or sequence and order of asana to build a foundation for Tapas (self-discipline) and Svadyaya (self-study) and Isvara Pranidhanani (devotion). He also established the Krama of words to articulate instruction down to a level of subtly that brings a depth of unconscious to the surface that is truly remarkable —all in a systematic and sequential manner.

To appreciate why Krama is a crucial component of Iyengar Yoga, Abhijata gave a relatable example: we would never force a child who has just learned to walk to cross a wall or balance beam on their own. We have to build unity of mind and body, without it stress happens. Yoga means union. Abhijata explained interrupting children doing a puzzle or math problem can be very disruptive. They are focused, but can’t handle disruption. It is this kind of singularity of focus that Iyengar Yoga seeks to cultivate to a higher level. It is why Iyengar instructors do not teach a pose until the student has developed the necessary foundations to work in that asana safely and properly.

Stress is a word that is top-of-mind in this pandemic. It has come up often during the Bellur Iyengar Yoga Workshop. Upon research, etymologically, the word may be derived from the Old French word estrece, which means narrow or oppressed. Calamity like the pandemic has brought stress. There is a sense of chaos with fear of the unknown coupled with the pains of confinement and restriction. These stressful emotions can come up in difficult poses like Sirsasana, headstand. There can also be stiffness of the mind and body when attempting a forward bend or revolved pose. It can be a pre-existing condition or can come as a result of the idea of a difficult asana. Stiffness causes stress. However, Iyengar Practitioners develop more flexibility and freedom in both mind and body. They can stay completely present in a pose. Self-adjusting, pausing to evaluate the response throughout the body and mind, and continue to work like that while exploring deeper and deeper aspects of the posture. All the while they can also remain calm and steady despite disruptions, uncertainty, chaos or calamity.

Students who go to an Iyengar Yoga class can evolve into Iyengar Yoga Practitioners. It requires dedicated study with Certified Iyengar Instructors, following explicit directions so proper cultivation can be established. Dedicated Abhyasa (uninterrupted practice) and Vairagya (detachment) in every aspect of Kriya Yoga (action of yoga): Tapas (self-discipline), Svayaya (self-study), Ishvara Pranidhanani (Surrender of oneself to God) follows as the student transitions into a practitioner. The level of experience they can reach is high, thanks to the foundation of Iyengar Yoga. For over seven decades, Guruji dug into every fiber of his being to create a rich fertile soil for yoga to thrive.

What a gift.


The Belle of Bellur: Four Days of Gratitude with Abhijata Iyengar - Day 2

Yoga Connections


Day two of the workshop with Abhijata Sridhar, BKS Iyengar’s granddaughter, highlighted for me the grace and gratitude that Iyengar Yoga fosters. It is unfathomable for most of us to imagine leading a class as large as the Iyengars do, and yet, it is what BKS Iyengar and his daughter Geeta dedicated their lives to. It is what his son, Prashant, continues to do. Abhijata trained with all of them since she was 16. She carries the legacy of impeccable instruction forward.

She is such an inspiration. She mentioned today that if we didn’t know her grandfather’s birthday or he didn’t have the telling hair color ( read gray) — watching him in the studio before his passing; you’d never know his age. Likewise, listening to Abhijata, experiencing her wisdom, confidence and clarity, you’d never know she is only 38 years old. Her Kriya Yoga, acts of yoga: Tapas (self-discipline that burns impurities), Svadhyaya (self-study from the outer to the inner sheaths), and Ishvara Pranidhana (the ultimate surrender to the divine) have given her such grace.

Today she emphasized how we should never underestimate the importance of how yoga brings the unconscious (whatever you want to call it) to the surface. We explored extension of the frontal body and circularizing that with lengthening and engaging the back body in standing, revolved, and seated asana. We studied the Bhranti Darsana, delusion or false ideas that can come with attempts to find that extension in an asana that requires more than surface awareness like Parvritta Trikonasana or Parvrtta Parsvokonasana (revolved triangle and side angle pose respectively). These poses require us to explore beyond our superficial involvement to the much deeper place of internal awareness.

In some poses it is easier to stay on the surface. For example, Uttanasana, an intense forward bend, we can think we are extending. However, when Abhijata put our backs to the wall for feedback, we realized, what we thought was an big effort on our part to extend from pubic bone to sternum was in reality more shifting our buttocks towards our head side- as opposed to truly extending in the manner she instructed. We had a false sense of what was happening. A proper extension is an integral action to moving beyond capabilities in asana. It is a wonderful example of the difference between Iyengar Yoga and other yoga in the energy requirement of Tapas and Svadyaya that must take place to achieve it without illusion.

Students of other practices may go for years under the illusion they are conducting the right action. Iyengar Yoga has proven, student after student, how with explicit instruction, dedicated uninterrupted practice and detachment (Abhyasa and Vairagya), we can go beyond illusion and beyond what we expect of ourselves. Through Tapas, Svadyaya, and Ishvara Pranidhana, truth and possibility surface. In the process, we glimpse yogah cittavrtti nirodhah, the cessation of fluctuations of the consciousness. We glimpse freedom from stiffness of mind and body to a place beyond our perceived abilities. It brings confidence, and clarity.

Abhijata explained how easily humans get dejected and downtrodden by the smallest criticism or comparison to others we think are doing better. We all do it. When that happens, the body gets heavy. It doesn’t want to move. It wants to go to bed or be alone. Nothing positive can happen in that place. The Iyengars know when a student’s body is in this state, and they alter the perspective to shift the heaviness immediately. It’s why props are so important in our practice because they enable a student to experience the pose so they have a vision of where they can go. The Iyengars have an incredible sense of where students are because they have been through it themselves, and they have served hundreds or thousands of students going through it in all its iterations. They seem to know what we are capable of even if we don’t know yet.

In her clarity and grace, Abhijata demonstrated the magic of forgiveness. She forgave us for forgetting actions and having a false impression of what we were doing in class. She gave us more instruction to aid our understanding. She explained, we all forget. We all get deluded. She didn’t give up on us. We can’t give up on ourselves. We can’t give up on each other. We have to forgive and keep trying from every perspective we can. Imagine if we could all have her level of confidence, clarity, grace and gratitude—how different the world would be.

Thank you Abhijata, and all those who have worked tirelessly to make this event possible. I look forward to tomorrow.


The Belle of Bellur: Four Days of Gratitude with Abhijata Iyengar - Day 1

Yoga Connections

Connecting to the soil of your birth

Connecting to the soil of your birth

The first day of a four-day workshop with Abhijata began with a peek into the Sage Patañjali Temple in Bellur Karnataka, India, birthplace of BKS Iyengar. The temple was inaugurated in 2004 and is an awe inspiring testiment to Guruji’s gratitude for the scientist, artist, and philosopher, Sage Patañjali whose 196 Sutres or threads have served to guide practitioners all over the world in what Abhijata might describe as the technology of yoga.

Do keep in mind, any words I attribute to the Iyengars are my interpretation alone, and in no way serve as verbatim attempts to put words in their mouths that are not theirs. I welcome corrections and comments. My account is that of a student with great limitations of understanding. This content is meant to capture a small portion of an entire class as a way to show gratitude and honor the Iyengars, while at the same time share an experience in hopes that readers can gain a little from the lessons. All money’s from the workshop went into the Bellur Trust to continue the dream of BKS Iyengar to feed the soil of his birthplace with the nourishment of a center dedicated to learning the science, art, and philosophy of yoga. I encourage readers to visit the site and read about the ongoing project. Anyone who has been touched by yoga, regardless if it has been from the Iyengars directly or not, may be moved to contribute. It is a worthy cause built out of the gratitude that comes from many years of uninterrupted practice of Kriya Yoga or yoga in action, which is what distinguishes Iyengar Yoga: tapas (discipline), svadyaya (self-study), Ishvara Pranidhana (devotion, or ultimate surrender to the divine).

Abhijata’s class emphasized how these three elements bring deep gratitude — for the soil of our birth, which ultimately we all share. The ground from which we came. It is poignant for me. I have come back to the place of my birth to be with my father. My yoga became very different than I expected. It has for all of us with COVID. Abhijata brought our attention to Sutra 1.1 atha yoganusasanam as transcribed by BKS Iyengar, “With prayers for divine blessings, now begins an exposition of the sacred art of yoga.” She explained whatever disappointments of the past or desires for the future, we must be grateful for this moment, now. Now, today, we are healthy and practicing yoga.

The lesson explored where things begin and end. For example there is no real definition between mind and body, like the chicken or egg rhetoric, we can cycle endlessly in our attempts to answer where one begins and the other ends, or which came first the thought or the action. It could be said, spreading our awareness beyond habitual ideas and concepts of body and mind, is the technology of yoga. Abhijata helped us experience this idea through a series of asana. Noticing stiffness or shakiness, she changes our perception through alternative yet complimentary asana: Utthita Trikonasana, extended triangle, shifts to Vrksasana, tree and returns to UT. Parsvokonasana, extended side angle shifts to Baddha Konasana, bound angle pose and returns. Then Parighasana, gatelatch pose returns to parsvokonasana. Each time moving into different but connected poses with a focus on hips and groins — and returning back to the original asana after exploring relative actions from different vantage points. We notice more ease with the original asana. Is Ardha Chandrasana, half moon more difficult than another pose or is it simply our preconceived fear of balancing on one leg? Doing the pose facing the wall takes the fear away and allows us to focus on the progressive lessons from the previous asana. Away from the wall, Abhijata has us notice the ease now when the focus is on the lessons instead of the fear or preconceived notions. What is at work here? The citta vrtti (read chatter) of the mind or the resistence in the body? The transitions brought out the intelligence of the body, that comes from opening the mind as we explored the actions from different perspectives. We can’t force ourselves to the place we want to be. We have to be where we are and work from there with tapas (discipline), svadyaya (self-study), Ishvara Pranidhana (devotion, or ultimate surrender to the divine).

In the stillness of savasana, corpse pose, we synthesize the lessons and return to the earth. Grounding ourselves in gratitude and the concept of the soil of our birth. Nurturing it as it nurtured us is a service to humanity locally and globally. What a beautiful beginning. I’m very grateful for all those who made it possible, and look forward to day two.


A Workshop On Transitions with Bobby Clennell - Part 2

Yoga Connections


“Yoga is a gift for old age. One who takes to Yoga when old gains not only health and happiness but also freshness of mind, since Yoga gives one a bright outlook on life and one can look forward to a happier future rather than looking back into a past which has already entered into darkness.”

~ Geeta Iyengar, Yoga, A Gem For Women

Bobby Clennell’s Workshop on Menopause continued last weekend with a focus on Uttistha Paschima Pratana Sthiti, or standing forward bends and Viparita Sthiti or inversions. In Uttistha Paschima Pratana Sthiti, standing forward bends, and Paschima Pratana Sthiti, or seated forward bends, the heart is positioned to soothe the nerves to bring quiet and calm to the body. When supported correctly for a woman’s level of practice and her cycle in life, it becomes a quieting position and serves to help her recover from fatigue. Bobby half-jokingly said when women come to class at the end of the day, you can pretty much bet they are tired.

To prepare for forward bends, we did supported extensions like arching over a high cross bolster set up where the pelvis is at the apex, legs in Baddha Konasana, crown of the head on the floor, and a rolled blanket for the neck —- it offered such a release from stem to stern that this practitioner could have stayed in it the rest of class.

As with all Iyengar poses, there are many variations to accommodate issues like lower back (lift the legs and feet) or depression (make the chest the apex). The pose mentioned earlier, along with Supta Virasana, extends the abdomen, helps the adrenals, and prepares the body for forward bends. Another action these poses facilitate is sliding the tailbone forward, which positions the pelvis and its contents into an important alignment for women.

While we experienced the poses, Bobby educated us on the Ayurvedic view on menopause. In supporting women during this time, Ayurveda seeks to balance the three Doshas, which are the energetic constitutions of a body and can also be applied to the cycles of a woman’s life. The basic Doshas are Kapha, Pitta, and Vata. Kapha is considered the beginning of life; Pitta is more about the time of pushing, striving, moving, and attaining — “being a householder”. The end part of your life is Vata, which is attributed to the element of wind and said to be a time of wandering in the forest.

When a woman is 45 or over, healthy menopause begins with skipping periods; then once she has stopped her period for a full year, she is in menopause. Bobby recommends giving it more than a year to be certain. She explained that in the Ayurvedic view, menopause is the transition for women from the Pitta to Vata time of life. During the Vata period, insomnia, dryness, indecisiveness, and mental decline. However, it’s also a time of great wisdom as we have experienced with some of our teachers like Bobby.

The Ayurvedic system describes various Dosha imbalances that can occur during the transition time for women. Women may experience a Vata imbalance, which can bring on emotional upset. Pitta imbalances bring hot flashes and night sweats (both of which can be very disruptive). It can bring an estrogen dominance pattern of more or heavier periods. There can also be personality changes in Pitta imbalances that can bring about a fighting spirit enough to destroy relationships. A Kapha imbalance brings about a significant amount of weight gain, lower metabolism, and fluid retention. Yoga and Ayurveda offer ways to bring these imbalances back into balance.

“Older women walk a tight rope between working hard and accepting limitations.” ~ Geeta Iyengar

In Yoga, it is essential to learn to practice simple poses without being goal oriented during this transition. Bobby offered the quote to let us know what many of us (Bobby included) are struggling with, and yet it is this struggle that brings us to a more focused place in our practice. In several of the standing forward bends it is beneficial that the toes turn slightly inward to turn the thighs in, relax the groins, and create a natural concavity in the lower abdomen.

The ever-present, Adho Mukha Svansana, downward dog takes on a starring role during menopause. It has benefits in controlling migraines when done between episodes — especially if they are hormone-related. The pose also helps to balance hormones, ease brain fatigue, and open the chest to strengthen the area that is now more susceptible to colds.

“You are still a cyclic creature.”

“You are still a cyclic creature.”

A very memorable message, if my memory serves, is Bobby reminding women in post menopause, “you are still a cyclic creature.” She went on to explain that day and night, the seasons, and planetary movements are examples of cycles that we share with men. However, we have cycles unique to women because of our hormones. While Iyengar women practitioners are accustomed to doing mentrual and restorative practive to honor the menstruating cycle, Bobby encouraged post menopausal women to continue to honor these cycles by doing a restorative sequence, or the menstral sequence (no inversions) once a month — perhaps using the cycles of the moon as a guide.

The inversions during the workshop followed a post menopausal sequence for the most part, and began with preparations like supported Prasarita Padottanasana, or wide spread leg pose. The head is down on a blanket, raised to the level needed, elbows pressed outward into the inner knees to align any misalignments that could have happened over the years (estrogen makes the ligaments soften, which can cause things like over stretching or a knock knee type of situation). After other inversions, we double bound a block in our upper thigh and went up into Sirsasana, or head stand. This binding is seen in Iyengar Therapeutics in their remedial classes in Pune. It has therapeutic effects for various injuries. For women, the bind helps strengthen the pelvic floor and bring hope for incontinence and any prolapse issues. Niralamba series, or unsupported shoulder stand, from a chair at the wall offer great support for women in and after transition. Bobby listed the many benefits of inversions as outlined by the Iyengar’s: “Inversion balance the hormones, which is connected to bone density, the mineral loss from bones is checked- tone and balance the uterus, they balance the endocrine, lymphatic, circulatory, digestive, respiratory, lymphatic, urinary, excretory, and central nervous system. They eleviate constipation and hemorrhoids, as well as keep the body warm. “They are the pillars of our practice,” she added.

The weekend closed another segment of Bobby’s six part series leaving us with even more shiny wisdoms and poses to put into our practice and share with our female students, who like us are growing more aware of just how much The Iyengar Family has done to make sure Iyengar Yoga supports us no matter where we are in the cycle of life.

Thank you Bobby Clennell, and all of her hosts at Iyengar Yoga Therapeutics, and The Iyengar Family for continuing to share your wisdom with us.

Please note any information shared here is based on my recollection and interpretation of the workshop. I encourage women to get with their Certified Iyengar instructors, Bobby Clennell, or The Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States, IYNAUS to learn more.

Waking Up The World Is Hard. Make It Simple.

Yoga Connections


“Consciousness means our capacity to be aware, both externally as well as internally, which we call self-awareness.” B.K.S. Iyengar explains in Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom (p. 109).

Mr Iyengar differentiates consciousness from the mind. Mind is citta in Sanskrit. Iyengar likens it to an outer sheath of consciousness like our bones and muscles are to our vital organs. It flits and flutters. It isn’t capable of productive evolution. It’s fickle, desirous, and whim oriented. He learned that from his teacher and his own experiences.

We wouldn’t know we had organs without teachers. Herophilus considered the Father of Anatomy from 275 BCE taught us about our organs and is among what I’ll call, “physical explorers.” I consider BKS Iyengar one too. However, he didn’t slice things open to look at them. He used the art, science and philosophy of yoga. His son Prashant might prefer more precision in my language, so I will honor him here and call it Yog.

Mr. Iyengar delved into Patañjali Yoga Sutras as his guide and made his own mind, body, and spirit his laboratory. He was able to share the transformative discoveries promised by Patanaji by creating an accessible method of teaching them. It’s called Iyengar Yoga.

Explorers are always discoverying more. In 2018, scientists discovered a “new organ” known as the interstitium, which like the skin wraps around every organ. This goes to show, what we think we know is never the whole truth. Which is why, gaining clarity through practices such as Yog not only bring a clearer understanding of our mind, body, and spirit, it also purifies our ability to be open to learn and discover more.

This way, we don’t get stuck in the grooves of habitual thinking. Those old enough may remember playing a record (you know that round vinyl thing that enable us to listen to our favorite music whenever we wanted to), you might also remember when it got stuck and replayed and replayed the same sound ad nauseum. That’s what getting stuck in habitual thinking patterns is like. It’s why we can be in the year 2020 and still think like we are in the mid-1800s.

We are complex beings and capable of great metamorphosis and transformation, but we can also get stuck for eons. Man’s inhumanity to man throughout history has been a study of our destructive capabilities, and how habitual thinking patterns can delude us from the truth of our interdependence and interconnectedness.

Truth has escaped us since the beginning of time because the story is always retold from our perspective. It is a re-fabrication of an interpretation shaped by our outer sheath desires and shaded by our lack of consciousness. Waking up is hard to do on our own. Thanks to great teachers like BKS Iyengar, we can learn to wake up with a simple commitment to practice.

“Yoga points out how we generally react to the outside world by forming entrenched patterns of behavior that doom us to relive the same events endlessly, though in a superficial variety of forms and combinations. Anyone who looks at history or listens to the litany of woe and war on the daily news will bear this out. Does mankind never learn anything, we ask in exasperation.” B.K.S. in Light on Life (p. 111).

BKS explains that in order to get to this evolution we say we want, we have to cultivate the fire or tapas to break free from the old patterns. I feel it’s important to consider Newton’s First Law, “a body at rest stays at rest.” You may be familiar with it. When you commit to a practice, you can also rely on the second part of that law, “a body in motion stays in motion,” to keep your momentum going.

Let the revelations of greed, inequity, and barbarism that is happening right now in 2020 and has been for centuries, create a fire for change. Yes, we want to do all we can to shift things within the existing paradigm. However, if we want a new paradigm, it’s important to consider creating personal transformation, because when each of us transform personally, we help to shift the whole of us towards real evolutionary change.

~ Rhonda


Yoga Connections

Wellness is a word associated with so many things it is confounded with a to-do list a mile long. Eat right, bathe, brush your teeth, watch your blood pressure, get your heart rate up higher. While it is important to meet the new demands to keep your distance and wash your hands, it’s also worth noticing that sometimes the best thing we can do to stay well is find equanimity, Upeksanam.


Consider the dualities that are coming up for you during this time. The need to do something versus the need to be still. The need to be seen versus the need to be safe. The need to have versus your ability to give. How can you find upeksanam or equilibrium within these dualities?

The pulls on our energy have been a constant - do this, pick up that, meet him or her for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and stay informed. Take this time to notice how easily you get taken away from yourself. Diverted to a news story or Facebook post. The barrage of diversions pull us outside of the vessel of our body. Awareness of what pulls and pushes our energy is the beginning of learning to contain ourself within our body

The practice of Iyengar Yoga is a sequential method of clearing away the unnecessary diversions, bringing optimal conditioning to our skin, muscles, organs, bones, and nerves to enable us to be still and contained no matter what is going on around us.

If you can, please support your local Iyengar Yoga community. Click here to support your local studio in The Southeast. Let #Iyengaryoga help you stay well and contained during this time of change.

Health and wellbeing to you all.
