Labor Day
Yoga Connections
Labor Day ended with a small class in Castleberry. We put our focus on the arms and legs to review their place in the poses that help us learn a new pose, Ardha Chandrasana, or half moon pose. Our sequence built on the poses we have learned so far:
Tadasana - Mountain pose
Urdhva Hastasana - Upward arms pose
Baddhanguilyasana - bound finger pose
Utthita Trikonasana - Extended Triangle
Virabhadrasana II - Warrior One
Utthita Parsvakonasana - Extended side angle pose
We reviewed our work from last week on the triceps, biceps and shoulder blades, adding the work of rotating the knee and thigh outward that we worked on from previous weeks. Once we practiced these actions in our variations, we added the work of the rib cage and chest. Together, these actions helped us create the shape of Ardha Chandrasana or half moon pose. We worked at the wall to get our alignment right then took it to the center of the room to work on our balance.
A good night's work for a Labor Day. Hope you'll join us next week.